10월, 2023의 게시물 표시

‘I don’t really have any other choice’: Young Israelis around the world return home after Hamas attacks

 When he heard that Hamas militants were attacking a music festival his family was attending, Ben Ovadia said Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, for his mother. “I didn’t know what to do. I said please kill her because it would be better than being kidnapped,” Ovadia, 38, told CNN on Wednesday. “It’s a nightmare. I said ‘please kill her, don’t take her there.’” Over WhatsApp, he watched, helpless, as his mother and younger brother sent updates for eight hours, telling him that they were hiding in small bushes, hearing gunfire and people walking past saying “Allahu Akbar.”  카지노사이트 “(Every message) took about two minutes to arrive and in between there was no communication,” he said. “Every two minutes you are tearing your hair out to get an answer.”

Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack

The Israeli government has not confirmed the specific claim that Hamas attackers cut off the heads of babies during their shock attack on Saturday, an Israeli official told CNN, contradicting a previous public statement by the Prime Minister’s office. “There have been cases of Hamas militants carrying out beheadings and other ISIS-style atrocities. However, we cannot confirm if the victims were men or women, soldiers or civilians, adults or children,” the official said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that people had been beheaded by Hamas in an appearance beside Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday, but did not specify if they were children.  슬롯 His office later released what it described as “horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters.” The three photos showed two babies whose bodies had been burned beyond recognition and a third infant’s bloodstained body. The post said that Netanyahu showed Blinken the photos, as well as other...

Netanyahu is asked about Trump calling him disloyal. Hear his response

  CNN's Kaitlan Collins sits down with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu in a one-on-one interview. Netanyahu discusses his  바카라   relationship with former President Donald Trump. Trump criticized him for congratulating President Joe Biden on winning the 2020 election.

5 tiny gold foil figures have been found at a temple in Norway

  Each measuring just under 1 centimeter tall, and the width of a fingernail, five newly unearthed mysterious gold treasures found in Hov, Norway, could help unlock secrets of an ancient society, scientists say. The tiny pieces — intricately detailed gold foil figures discovered during excavations of a pagan religious temple — are a rare find in Norway. The country has only 10 known sites, and Hov has the most foils, with 35 pieces found total. But over 3,000 similar foils have been found across Scandinavia, according to Ingunn Marit Røstad, an archaeologist and associate professor at the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo. “They’re found in almost all of Scandinavia, but only in Scandinavia,” Røstad said. “You have the same images spread all over Scandinavia, so they must have meant something, the people must have known what they meant, and I think they must have been important to be handled in this way.” 토토 The latest documented artifacts were buried underneath the...

They should be in elementary school, instead they speak like war veterans

The smell of burning wood and plastic hits us as we step out of the van. Smoke from campfires meets the cloud of dirt kicked up by our tires, stinging our eyes and leaving a scratch in our throats. In the near distance, you can hear children splashing and playing in the Suchiate River, which separates Mexico – where we are – from Guatemala. We head toward the murky brown water, walking under tall, thick trees shielding us from the day’s brutal sun. We’re mindful of where we step, dodging scraps of cardboard used for beds and ducking under clothes hanging out to dry, careful not to intrude on someone’s personal space or modest belongings. It strangely feels more like a community rooted here for centuries, rather than a migrants’ campground. 토토사이트 And after the assault on the senses, comes the assault on the mind and the heart. Stories abound from the people here, most originally from Venezuela, of why they left their homes and what they’ve gone through so far on their journeys to Ciudad...

South Korea has jailed a man for using AI to create sexual images of children in a first for country’s courts

A South Korean man has been sentenced to jail for using artificial intelligence to generate exploitative images of children, the first case of its kind in the country as courts around the world encounter the use of new technologies in creating abusive sexual content. The unnamed man, aged in his 40s, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison this month, according to the Busan District Court and the district’s Public Prosecutor’s Office. He had created about 360 AI-generated images in April, the prosecutor’s office told CNN. The images were not distributed, and have been confiscated by police.  먹튀검증 Prosecutors argued during the case that the definition of sexually exploitative material should include descriptions of sexual behaviors by “virtual humans” and not just the appearance of actual children. The ruling showed that sexually abusive content can include imagery made with “high level” technology that is realistic enough to look like real children and minors,...

UN ‘deeply concerned’ over reports women and children killed in Myanmar bombing

  The United Nations says it is “deeply concerned” by reports that civilians, including women and children, were killed and injured in a bombing at a camp for internally displaced people in Myanmar. At least 30 people, including 13 children, died and more than 50 were injured in the attack on the camp near the country’s border with China on Monday, according to Myanmar’s government-in-exile, the National Unity Government. That would make it one of the deadliest attacks on civilians since military leader Min Aung Hlaing seized control of the country in a coup more than two years ago, a move that has since led to a mass displacement of civilians and spawned a resistance movement across the Southeast Asian nation.  슬롯나라 The bombing on Monday took place near the town of Laiza, in northern Kachin state. Laiza is home to the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army, which has been locked in a conflict with Myanmar’s military for decades. The National Unity Government’s parl...

China wants to be a peace broker in the Middle East. How has it responded to the Israel-Gaza war?

In a brief statement Sunday, China’s Foreign Ministry called on “relevant parties to remain calm, exercise restraint and immediately end the hostilities.” It repeated Beijing’s support for a “two-state solution” to establish an independent State of Palestine as a way out of the conflict.  카지노먹튀사이트 Beijing’s muted reaction to Saturday’s rampage by Hamas has drawn pushback from Israel. Yuval Waks, a senior official at the Israeli Embassy in Beijing, said his country expected a “stronger condemnation” of Hamas from China.

Death toll in Gaza rises to 1,537, health ministry says

  At least 1,537 Palestinians have been killed since Israel started strikes on Gaza following the deadly Hamas attack last Saturday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. The death toll includes 500 children and 267 women. An additional 6,612 people have been injured, the ministry added.  먹튀

스트라스버그 은퇴 기자회견, 돌연 취소?…잔여 연봉 문제가 발목

부상으로 마운드를 떠나기로 결심한 강속구 투수 스티븐 스트라스버그(35·워싱턴)의 은퇴 기자 회견이 돌연 취소됐다. 천문학적인 금액의 잔여 연봉 지급 문제가 발목을 잡았다. 8일(한국 시각) USA투데이, 먹튀사이트  워싱턴타임스 등에 따르면 스트라스버그는 오는 10일 미국 워싱턴 D.C. 내셔널스 파크에서 기자 회견을 열고 은퇴를 공식화할 계획이었다. 스트라스버그의 은퇴 소식은 이미 지난달 현지 언론을 통해 보도된 바 있다.   그런데 워싱턴 구단이 기자 회견을 앞두고 스트라스버그의 잔여 연봉을 지급하는 문제에 대한 재협상을 요구한 것으로 알려졌다. USA투데이는 "원래의 합의는 스트라스버그가 계약 내용을 그대로 유지한 채 은퇴하는 것이었다"면서 "워싱턴 구단이 아무런 설명 없이 입장을 바꿨다"고 전했다.

"이따위 글에 감형을 받아?"…대법원 국감서 '꼼수' 감형 질타

  조 의원은 10일 서울 서초구 대법원 청사 대회의실에서 열린 국회 법제사법위원회의 대법원 등 국정감사에서 "양형위원회에서 반성, 범죄인정, 초범, 공탁 등 4가지를 감경 기준으로 인정하고 있다"며 "그런데 피해자들은 이런 감경 요소가 소위 회복적 사법과 무슨 관계가 있냐고 말한다"고 말했다.  먹튀 조 의원은 부산 돌려차기 가해자 반성문 내용 중 '왜? 저는 이리 많은 징역을 받아야 하는지 모르겠습니다'라는 부분을 직접 읽으며 "이따위 글을 쓰고도 반성문으로 감형을 받는다"며 "동의가 되느냐"고 목소리를 높였다. 조 의원이 공개한 내용은 부산 돌려차기 가해자가 1심에서 징역 12년을 선고받고 항소심 재판부에 제출한 반성문 중 일부다. 반성문은 사건의 피해자 측이 항소심 재판에 앞서 공개하면서 국민적 공분을 불렀다.

이적료 1658억·주급 8억7천…'먹튀' 아자르, 이른 은퇴

레알 마드리드를 울린 '먹튀'가 결국 축구화를 벗었다.에덴 아자르(벨기에)는 10일(현지시간) SNS를 통해 "적절한 시기에 멈춰야 한다는 말을 들을 때다. 16년 동안 700경기를 넘게 뛰었는데, 이제 프로 경력을 끝내기로 결정했다. 난 운이 좋은 선수였다. 훌륭한 감독, 코치, 동료를 만났다. 모두 감사드리고, 항상 그리울 것"이라고 현역 은퇴를 발표했다. 아자르는 2007년 프랑스  먹튀검증  LOSC 릴에서 프로  생활을 시작했다. 릴에서의 활약을 바탕으로 2012년 여름 잉글랜드  프리미어리그 첼시로 이적했다. 아자르의 전성기였다. 첼시에서 7년 동안 352경기 110골 92도움을 기록했다. 벨기에 대표팀에서도 케빈 더브라위너(맨체스터 시티),  티보 쿠르투아(레알 마드리드) 등 황금세대들과 절정의 기량을 뽐냈다.